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Industry supports speed restriction delays - North America newsletter

by Peter Rendle 10 Jul 2024 12:00 PDT
Key Committee holds hearing on bills supported by Recreational Boating Industry © National Marine Manufacturers Association

The House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water, Wildlife and Fisheries Subcommittee recently held a legislative hearing on four key bills supported by the recreational boating industry, including H.R.8704 - a bill that would delay National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) proposed speed restrictions for boats 35-65 feet through 2030, and invest in technologies and efforts that reduce the risk of marine mammal vessel strikes.

Sustainability remains a key industry subject. The NMMA, alongside partners Suzuki Marine, Hyperfuels and LyondellBasell, held an event to launch the first-ever pilot program for sustainable marine fuels at St. Andrews Marina in Panama City, FL, on the heels of new research investigating the portfolio of technologies to further reduce the 0.1% of global carbon emissions from recreational boating. The pilot program makes new high-performance, 93 octane, ethanol-free premium gasoline available to boaters for the first time at a local marina.

In Europe, electric marine technology experts, Vita and Evoy, are joining forces to consolidate their leading positions in the high-output space. The integration of two of the most mature companies in electric propulsion is anticipated to accelerate electric boat adoption in both commercial and recreational markets by leveraging scale to drive down prices for the end user, fast tracking development, and providing immediate access to territories across Europe and North America with active operations in the UK, Norway, France, Italy, Monaco, and California.

It's always pleasing to hear of the industry's involvement in good causes. In a heartfelt effort to give back, over 100 Correct Craft volunteers from across the nation gathered in Morehead City, North Carolina, to support Hope Mission of Coastal Carolina. Together, they renovated the homeless shelter and soup kitchen, making it a better place for those in need. Parker Offshore Boats, a part of the Correct Craft family, is proudly located in Carteret County, the same community served by Hope Mission.

On the north west coast, boaters cruising the Salish Sea off Washington's northern Olympic Peninsula this summer will benefit from the opening of TowBoatUS Port Angeles, a 24/7 on-water towing and assistance company that provides professional towing, soft ungrounding, battery jump, and fuel drop-off services. The new TowBoatUS towing port brings the total on the peninsula to four, with a grand total of 14 across the U.S./Canada Pacific Northwest.

Stay committed,
Peter Rendle -

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