Innovation driving U.S. boat sales demand as key winter boat show buying season gets underway
by National Marine Manufacturers Association 13 Jan 07:13 PST

Winter boat show buying season © National Marine Manufacturers Association
American made boats and related services are economic drivers for local communities and small businesses, attract millions of Americans seeking outdoor experiences.
To coincide with the start of the winter boat show season, NMMA distributed a state of the recreational boating industry business release to local, regional and national media outlets this week. In the release, NMMA reported total new powerboat retail unit sales in 2024 declined an estimated 9%-12%, to approx. 230,000-240,000 units in the U.S. Throughout 2024, the industry continued to normalize following record demand during the Covid pandemic while navigating persistent inflationary pressures and rising interest rates.
Looking to 2025, NMMA anticipates sales of new powerboats to begin to show signs of a return to growth driven by innovative new products, changes in U.S. economic policies and consistent consumer demand for on-water experiences. With Americans continuing to hit the water in record numbers since 2020, U.S. boating expenditures in 2025 are expected to sustain those record highs and come in as much as 3-5% above 2024's anticipated final tally of $55 billion.
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